We can use several types of printers in the Vento system. You can contact your sales representative for an actual offer of suitable printers.
Printers can be found in the POS - Printers. Only an administrator with the appropriate authorization can add a printer to the system.
Name - Name of printer
Address - Printer IP adress, name or COM port
Active - The check mark indicates, whether the printer is activated in Vento
With this icon you can edit the printer.
You can remove printer from the list clicking by the red cross.
Name - Name of printer (e.g. kitchen orders)
Type - Type of connection
Address - Printer static IP adress (IPv4), or name from Windows (System driver), or outgoing COM port (Bluetooth)
When updating Windows, the address may change, so if the printer does not work after updating the operating system, it is necessary to check the printer settings if the address is the same. Alternatively, update the address in Vento.
Active - The check mark indicates, whether the printer is activated in Vento
Paper type - The type of paper that the edited printer supports.
Formating - You can choose between several formating options. Choose the one that suits you the best. E.g. Epson thermal printers usually works best with ESC/POS formating.
Printer columns - Number of characters printed on one row / Number of capitals printed on one row
Print logo - Printing logo on recipe - logo can be uploaded to the printer/printer driver software.
Font size - Font / character / letter size selection.
Order template - The system has several order ticket templates by default. Feel free to choose order template you like the most. Customer support can help you set up your own order template.
Printer buzzer - With a special external buzzer added to the printer, the printer can beep when the recipe is printed.
Supports diacritics - It can print with diacritics or special characters. The installed printer must support this option.
Crop long recipe names - Truncates long item names on the recipe.
Save - With this button you will save changes.
Back - Clicking on this button you can go back to Printer list.