Libero new version 3.0 - action required

Dear customers,

In the coming weeks, your Libero applications will be migrated to the new modernized version 3.0. As part of this migration, all services (application, online reservations, and online voucher purchases) will be temporarily unavailable for approximately 60 minutes. You will be informed about the exact day and time of the migration directly in your Libero application. All historical data and future reservations will be preserved.

Below is a list of key changes in Libero 3.0 compared to the current Libero 2.0 version:

  • New Welcome Page with the option for each user to set favorite features and reports
  • New Reception Schedule Viewwhere reservations can now be moved between therapists and rooms using drag & drop, and with new settings allow for custom options, including the ability to reflect service colors (set in the service details) in the schedule view
  • Cash Books are now available for more than just cash payments (other payment types can be set and filtered)
  • Vouchers can no longer be created as time-based; only service, package or value-based vouchers are available.
  • Therapist Availability changes:
    • Availability is now replaced by setting employee absences or room out-of-service (or order) periods
    • This is a significant change that alters how you manage therapists and rooms. The default state for every employee and room is now "available" during the facility's opening hours. If an employee should not be available, you must set an absence or mark them as "Not Working" in their schedule overview for the entire day (Work time at location feature). After the migration, all current availabilities of employees and rooms will be converted to absences or out-of-service periods. For example, if an employee is available from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM on a specific day, after migration, this will show as an absence from 00:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 24:00. The same applies to rooms. Once the last migrated availability is set as an absence, the employee will have a default state as "available“.
  • Absences and Out-of-Service can now be deleted in bulk
  • Rooms can be assigned with a sorting number, which determines their order in the schedule view and lists
  • Services can now have a split break BEFORE and AFTER the service and a service description can now be added, which will appear in OBE/OVE with a 500-character limit
  • New Payment List Report for more efficient controlling
  • New Online Settings where you can now set texts for OBE/OVE in all the languages your booking engine supports
  • All entity IDs will change, except for user IDs - this is particularly important for online functions, as IDs for facilities and services will change, affecting OBE and OVE links. This will be resolved during the migration, so no action (e.g., updating URLs on your website) is required. If you use entity IDs for accounting purposes, the new set of IDs will be provided by our custommer support upon your request after the migration is completed.
  • New option to assign a "salutation" to each user profile - for example, if you use abbreviations for usernames, you can input the full name in the "salutation" field. This name will only appear on the welcome page and in the user list.
  • User rights for applying discounts have been separated, and it will be necessary to activate them for selected user groups after the migration. These permissions are Account payment – Apply a discount on payment and Reservation detail – Apply a discount on items.
  • New feature to save contacts to the address book when purchasing an online voucher. If you use our voucher engine and would like this functionality enabled, you need to activate the setting in Online Setup > Voucher section.

We wish you a pleasant use of the system!


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