We would like to remind you of few tasks pertaining the Year End. First sequence number will appear in the new Payment and Accounting Book just after the night audit for the 31.12.

1. Check the Books settings

2. Invoice Sequence numbers and first Receipt/Expense number

3. Balance transfer from old cash books into new cash books on 1.1.

Check the Cash books settings

1. Select Settings - Hotel operations - Payment Yournals

2. In the filter for Year select new year and click Find.

3. Check existing payment books for new year (Names, Receipt and Expense documents formats)

Invoice Sequence numbers and first Receipt/Expense number

1. Select Settings - Hotel operation - Numbering settings

2. In the filter for Year select new year . All accounting books for new year will appear.

3. Check the default template and the first Document number

 (1 = first document will be numbered 1)

Explanatory notes:

# number (1) ## numbers (01) - number of reps # is equal to number of digits

%YY% year (2025 => 25) %YYYY% year (2025 => 2025) - this tag will automatically display current year

Cash balance transfer into new cash books:

Please instruct the relevant user, who will, right after the Night audit run for 31.12., perform the transfer of the cash balance from all old cash books into new cash books. All balances must be transferred by the system user as the system does not perform the balance transfer automatically. This operation requires User right Cash book - Cash transfer.

1. We recommend that you create special category of cash bill Cash book balance transfer', if you require to be able to distinguish this transaction from an accounting perspective.

The Cashbook document category can be created through Settings - Category - Cash Bills

2. The user will perform the balance transfer in the Cash book through right-hand side corner tool Cash transfer. He must choose the target Cash book and (optionally) category of cash bill, 'Cash book balance transfer'.Cashbook