Arrival and departure dates can be changed directly from Reservation detail as follows:

  • Amendment of a single room that belongs to the group reservation

Room detail - menu - Edit room.

  • Guest is checking our a few days early?

No need to edit, simply perform early check-out. Select Check-out from Reservation detail and choose between charging or wavering charges for remaining nights.

  • Would you like to change the whole reservation?

Reservation detail - menu - Edit Rate and period.

How to change a reservation or room arrival/ departure date.

  • In the Reservation detail select menu.
  • Select Edit rate and period / Edit room.
  • Change arrival/departure date and Save.

You can edit full reservation or just a single room from Reservation Detail menu

You are able to select only dates from the period that is set up in the Rate code

If you select All changes proceed from the entered date with no effect on arrival, date of arrival will not change.

You can select from boards that are set up in the selected Rate code.

Price for the room is populated by the system based on chosen room type, which price is set directly in the Rate code.

Please note: Edit rate and period + Edit rate and period without price change by the Change/Edit meal plan function. ( if I change e.g. the meal plan for the first day of the stay via Edit/Change meal plan and then edit the reservation via these Edit rate and period or Edit rate and period without price change , I save, then the meal plan will be overwritten for the whole stay back to only 1 type of meal plan).

You can change default prices, populated into the reservation by the Rate code, through Set reservation rates table. Rates, set up through Set reservations dates, take precedence over the Rate code prices and will stay fixed for any future changes of this reservation.

Useful tip: If you select Edit rate and period without price change, you are able to edit reservation without any price change (the daily price stays the same).