You can create many of stocks in the system. Usually, it should be the real stocks you use and stocks, from which you will also subtract the stock items to sale.


Stock layout example:
Variant for smaller establishment:
Storing directly into partial stocks.

Create a local stocks, e.g. Bar, Kitchen and stock directly to the local stocks according to the delivery note.


Variant for larger establishment

Storing in the main stock – stock transfers  to separate local stocks – stock transfers to outlets.


Create a new main stock, where you can receive all stock items during delivery according delivery note. Main stock you will use like a dock. With stock transfer you can than move stock items to separate local stocks (Dry storage, Fridges, Boxes, etc.)

For transfer of stock items to different outlets (Bar, Restaurant, Cold kithen, Pastry, etc.) you´ll use stock transfer to stocks (Bar, Restaurant, Kitchen, etc.)


To create a New stock:

1. Click on the tab in the main menu Stock → Stock list.
2. Click the green button New stock.


3. Fill stock header.
Marking like the ,,Main stock´´ in the stock detail will be removed from the system. The main stock is set up across the system in the system settings - it is the default stock for stock item transfers. But it does not restrict your work in different variants.

4. Click Save.