Revenue shows information of how much has been posted to accounts across the system for selected period of time. Data of revenue divided by revenue centres are loaded and locked into the Revenue centres analysis once a day during the night audit. You can find the report via the main menu tab Reporting - Manager reports - Revenue centres analysis.
The report shows revenue for the selected period of time divided into revenue centres, including graphical representation. It is possible to choose the currency, as well as a number of other filter conditions. You can filter a specific service, room, seller or client type for example. You can also group the report differently than by revenue centres - for example by services. It is possible to export it to Excel - classically or detailed by items.
Data from revenue centres can be displayed by clicking on the name of the selected revenue centre. Revenues are simultaneously divided into prices without VAT and including VAT. Again, a set of filtration conditions is offered. It is possible to see the detail of the specific account by clicking on its number.
Data source: The report does not show account items added or modified manually on an already created tax document. The data is loaded into the report from the reservations main accounts, guest accounts, post masters, retail sales, outlet accounts. You can use the report in the accounting office, revenue management or during various audits.
Tip: Are you looking for an overview of all issued tax documents for a given period? Are you looking for a VAT summary report? See the Accounting report in the main menu tab Accounting - Accounting report.