In the HotelTime system, in addition to the regular fees that are based on RateCode and number of guests, it is also possible to set fees that are based on room type. These can also be set to be charged for up to a certain number of days of a reservation. 

The feature can be set via the main menu Settings - Rates - Rate codes. 

After selecting a specific RateCode, click on Room type - fees on the right side.

Here you can choose which fee service should be used (only services associated with fees revenue centres are offered - just like with classic Rate code fees). Different types of fees can be set for different room types. 

We can set from how many to how many nights the fee should be charged. If you want to charge only first 30 days of the stay for example, set the range to 1-30. 

Fill in the price and select whether the fee should be part of the reservation price (or the reservation price should be increased by the fee). Tick whether to display the item separately or to include it in the accommodation item (in which case it will take its VAT rate). Alternatively, tick if you want to add VAT to the price and if the item is non-discountable.

A reservation with a fee set as 1-30, as shown in the image above, will then generate a fee as follows. Reservation for that room type for 32 nights:

The number of guests is not a subject to calculation for this type of fee. The fee is always calculated for the room type and number of days. 

In view of this, we recommend you to always check when making changes to such reservations and adjust the fee if necessary. As the fee is calculated per room type reserved, the calculated fee remains unchanged when moving/reassigning a room to another room type. This is correct so that the agreed price of the reservation does not change. 

In this case, we can adjust the fee calculation by editing the reservation to a different room type. After saving, the fee will be recalculated accordingly.