Document stock release we use if we want to take some stock items from the stock. For example we can release stock items because of events, etc.


To create a new stock release:

1. In main menu go to Stock – New activity – Stock release.

2. In stock release header fill the name of stock from which you will release and the date on which the goods will be released from the stock. It is possible also write the note or document category ( category is customizable in the main menu click Stock – Activity categories – New category).

3 . Click on green button Create stock release and than you can write stock items which will be released. Stock items you can filter according code, name and also by supplier or by stock item category.

4 . The list of stock items in stock release document you can edit (icon pencil), cancel(red cross), or you can also add multiple items – Add multiple items or add recipe stock items.

5.  Than click on Save activity and modify stock and stock release will be closed. By this step the stock items are released from the stock, which you choosed in stock release header.

Attention: if you will not save the stock release document, stock will be not modified and stock release will be in system like unsaved document. If you will go to another menu folder and forget to save it, you can find unsaved stock release document:

1. In menu Stock – Activity list – Stock releases.

2. Than you can filter by activity type – Stock release and document state – Unsaved, or you can use also another filtering conditions.

3 . You can choose stock release document througt icon blue diskette as you can see below and edit document again, add items and than click on Save activity and modify stock.

Attention, if you have open/unsaved documents ( stock release, receipt card, tranfer, etc.) it will be not possible to close stocktaking / inventory.

It is necessarry at first to close all unsaved documents and than close stocktaking/inventory.