Lets improve your payments. We introduce you Online payments in HotelTime.

Payment cards can be saved manually in HotelTime guest profile or can be received automatically via ChannelManagerSystem. Payment card details (token) are stored in guest profily according to PCI Security Standards, that we have achieved in August 2019. Cards can be used in MOTO or 3DS.

Card details can be used at any time for:

  • pre-authorization, which can be easily converted into payment at any time
  • payment that can processed on reservation settlement

You can also make refunds of payments processed through the system, it is not necessary to use a card terminal.

You can set up in RateCode conditions for payments. So, there will be default setting for date and amount  (deposit, pre-authorization and full payment).

HotelTime reports:  

  • Pending external payments
  • Saved Credit Cards list
  • Pre-authorizations