Are you switching to a VAT registered company or are the hotel details changing? Is the owner address or business name of the company changing?

Owner details change

1) Contact a sales representative for your hotel (or customer support) in advance. 

2) Prepare a complete new company details and a requested date of change. 

Tip: Before the change is made by the administrator, you can change the property details in the meantime via Settings - Application - Property information. If you need to temporarily print different information about the hotel, owner or bank account, use the adjustable document fields in Settings - Application - Main system set-up - Miscellaneous settings - Print - adjustable document fields. 

VAT registration

1) Contact a sales representative for your hotel (or customer support) in advance. 

Tip: The VAT registration information for the owner and hotel profile will change the system administrator. This information is displayed on the tax documents.

2) Edit the VAT payer information in the property information: Settings - Application - Property information - Edit hotel.

3) Adjust the VAT rates for the room types: Settings - Application - Room types - VAT type.

4) Adjust the VAT rates for individual Rate codes: Settings - Rates - Rate codes - Accommodation VAT charge. 

Tip: If there is set --- by room type ---, there is no need to change anything. You have already changed the VAT rate in step no. 3.

5) Adjust the VAT rates for products and services: Settings - Application - Products and services - hotel - VAT.

6) Adjust the VAT rates for meal plans: Settings - Application - Meal plan settings - VAT.

7) Adjust the VAT rates for packages, if you have any: Settings - Rates - Packages - VAT amount.

8) Contact customer support to re-calculate your future reservations and invoices.