Does your property have parking, a small restaurant or do you need to keep an eye on your cot inventory? Our product Confero is perfect, but for few parking places is not needed.
Module Outlets in HotelTime is free of charge and allows you to create reservations for rooms/treatments/events of a specific department in your hotel.
Outlets are available from Reception --> Outlet plan (tab). If you cannot see the tab, please contact customer support via email from your Contract signatory to request activation of the module.
This module is not suitable for medium to large operations. We recommend a Confero application instead if you are interested, please contact your sales account manager to obtain more information.
Outlet reservation
How to create a reservation?
1. From the main menu select Reception and then Outlet plan (tab) from the top section.
2. Use the calendar to select the required date
3. Select required Outlet (if you have more than 1)
4. select room and time of the reservation by clicking on the respective cell. Reservation form page opens.
5. Select service
- (optional) Change Date and Time from To and select Apply
6. Select additional rooms if the client is booking more rooms for the same time frame
please note, if you are making a reservation for multiple rooms, every room reservation will have a separate number
7. Select reservtion owner
(optional) Fill in individual price or Discount. The individual price will override the price set up in the service and uses the Method of price calculation, set up in the Service.
8. Select Create
Once the reservation is created, fill in custom properties and add items (hotel services) if applicable.
How to settle Outlet reservation
- Reservation must be checked-in
- Select Check-out and choose one from settlement options:
- Pay
- Transfer to hotel account (you are able to transfer only to guest/reservation account of Checked-in reservation or Post master account with the same Customer profile)
- Create invoice
Outlet Configuration
How to set up Outlet and Outlet rooms
1. Settings - Application - Outlets - Configuration
2. New Outlet. Fill in the parameters.
The final Outlet plans can have 2 different overviews:
Multiple days - suitable for guest parking, cots etc...
Single Day split into time steps - suitable for outlets with services that must be booked for a specific time range (spa treatment, event)
How to set up a room plan with multiple days?
- set opening hours from 00:00 to 00:00
- set time interval 1440 minutes (equals 24h)
- set Amount displayed days to any number from 1 to any optional number (please consider that the higher the number of days the wider the screen User interface will be)
How to set up a plan with a Single Day?
- set Opening hours - operating range less than 24 hours, various slots
- set a time interval. Opening hours minutes range must be divisible by this time interval (e.g. if you have 60 minutes time slot, you cannot have an opening hour from 7:00 - 13:30, as this range equals to 270 and therefore is not divisible by 60 minutes)
Setting up rooms and available layouts
From the main menu select Settings - Application - Outlets - Configuration - open required Outlet by selecting the outlet name.
New room/item:
1. In Outlets configuration click on name of the service
2. Select New Article - this will be appear similar as rooms in Room overview.
- fill in the name, sorting number (order in the plan) note and Save
New outlet layout - optional
1. In Outlets configuration - click on name of service.
2. Select Add outlet layout.
2. Fill in the name - the layout will tell you how to organize the room. For trainings tables in U, I, conference set up etc.
User will select the layout when creating a reservation to stipulate how the room should be set up.
Adding Outlet services
Every reservation has only one Outlet service.
To create an Outlet service:
1. Go to Settings - Application - Outlets - Services.
2. Select new Service.
3. Add code and name.
Choose Outlet (service will be offered only if reservations is being made for this particular Outlet)
Revenue centre and VAT rate
Duration: (important) the opening hours minutes range must be divisible by this number
Service enabled - tick to make it available. If you want to disable the service later on, simply untick and save
4. Add price and select Method of price calculation (this rule will apply every single time this service is used to make a reservation):
- per amount of time of used service
- one time
- for every started unit of service
Custom fields and Function sheets
To add custom fields to the reservation form and to respective function sheet please contact customer support.