Reservation account routing is used to transfer reservation account items to guest hotel accounts.

How to set up account routing?

Routing allows a combination of several rules to determine which items you move within a reservation. 

You can set up the routing rules:

1. in a specific reservation = you need to set a rule to move items only for that reservation.

2. in RateCode = this is a general rule that you will want to apply frequently.

How is routing applied?

Account routing can be done automatically by the system on the day the booking arrives. Contact customer support to activate automatic execution.

You can perform the routing manually from the reservation details Menu - Apply Routing. First, a preview will be displayed for checking. Confirm with the button "Apply routing according to preview". 

Please note that the routing can only be done on the day of arrival. This is because there may be other changes to the booking before the arrival date.

When you perform routing on a booking, you are not limited in any way in making changes to the date of the booking. If the date of the booking changes, routing must be applied again, the rules will remain saved.

What items is routing applied to?

This is for reservation items only and does not apply to any added items. Reservation items are all items that are created by the system within the reservation, such as accommodation, fees, stay packages and the items in them, meal plans. 

Items are not in the past.

Please find here some examples of use routing feature:

For group bookings, guests pay their stay themselves:

1. In the reservation details, click Menu - Account Routing.

2. Click on the "Add Rule" button.

3. Click on "Add condition. "Account Item Type" equals "Fee".

4. Confirm by clicking on the "Add" button.

5. The rule has been added and you can now confirm by clicking on the "Add" green button.

6. A recap is displayed; click on the "Save" button.

To apply routing manually, click on the Reservation Detail Menu - Apply Routing. The earliest you can perform the routing is on the day the reservation arrives.

For group bookings, some guests pay for the entire stay themselves (self-payers):

1. In the reservation details, click on Menu - Account Routing.

2. Select a condition: "Operation flag" equals "Self-payers".

3. Confirm by clicking on the "Add" button.

4. Select the next condition: "Day of stay" is greater or equal to "0" to move all related items.

5. Confirm by clicking on the "Add" button.

6. Once we have both rules added, click the "Add" button.

7. A recap will appear, click on the "Save" button

To apply routing manually, click on the Reservation Detail Menu - Apply Routing. The earliest you can perform the routing is on the day the reservation arrives.

For group bookings, guests pay for the first and second night themselves (partial self-payers):

1. In the reservation details, click on Menu - Account Routing.

2. Select the condition: "Operation flag" equals "Partial self-payers".

3. Confirm by clicking on the "Add" button.

4. Select the next condition: "Days of Stay" in the range "1" - "2" to move all related items.

5. Confirm by clicking on the "Add" button.

6. Once we have both rules added, click on the "Add" button.

7. A recap will appear, click on the "Save" button

To apply routing manually, click on the Reservation Detail Menu - Apply Routing. The earliest you can perform the routing is on the day the reservation arrives.

Tip: In the reservation details in the room list, you can select the rooms to which you do not want to apply any routing rule, or you can select the "Operation flag" to include the room in the set rule:

            icon indicates "do not route" rooms, no routing rule is applied to them.

            icon allows you to set the "Operation flag" for the room.

Have a look, how to set transfer to post master only by the particular account here.