Vento - stock

Units of stock items and unit conversions
In the system you have your own units such as pieces, liters, kilograms. For easy storage you can prepare units that supplier delivers to you like pallet, ...
Čt, 16 Duben, 2020 v 10:57 DOPOLEDNE
Set up suppliers for stock items and speed up your work with receipts in a few clicks. It´s necessary at first to create new suppliers into adress book...
Čt, 16 Duben, 2020 v 10:51 DOPOLEDNE
New stock - deliveries
You can create many of stocks in the system. Usually, it should be the real stocks you use and stocks, from which you will also subtract the stock items to ...
Čt, 16 Duben, 2020 v 10:19 DOPOLEDNE
The receipt stores stock items in stock and at the same time affects the calculation of stock item prices. For the receipt you can set smart pre-fill value...
Čt, 16 Duben, 2020 v 10:18 DOPOLEDNE
Category of stock items
You can create a list of stock items categories. Stock item categories and subcategories help you later in stock documents and speed up your work. Receipt...
Čt, 16 Duben, 2020 v 10:01 DOPOLEDNE