To inspect departing rooms for a specific date, use Front desk --> Departures.

Do you want to check-out room, please continue here.

Report displays:

as default all room departures for a specific day with status Checked-in


- use filters to narrow down the search query

- if the column header contains arrows, you can sort the list by that parameter

- to display already Checked-out rooms tick Display processed, all checked-in rooms will be listed at the bottom of the list in the section Departed reservations

- the report shows a breakdown for departing rooms and (if Display processed is ticked) already checked-out room/guest count bellow the list of arrivals

- column due balance shows the sum of reservation and all guest accounts in the reservation. If the reservation has more than 1 room, every line will refer to the same value.



Useful tip: Does your housekeeping need to know what rooms have departed already? Open Departures and tick Already processed. Bottom of the screen will show all departed rooms. If you need to order them by room no click on Room number column header.