Housekeeping reports are full of important information, but this information may not be needed for all properties and may confuse some housekeepers.

Housekeeping report - basic, which really contains only the basic information necessary for cleaning, and you can even customize this report by setting up the report (in the upper right corner)

Let's take a look at this report

Room status - most important information

  • Dirty - room is after departure, or there is stayover and need to be cleaned
  • Cleaned - room is cleaned, but was not inspected 
  • Inspected - room is inspected and ready for arrival
  • Refresh - room is cleaned, but there wasn´t accomodated anyone for longer time (you can set how offen this will appear in main system set-up Number of days for re-inspection of the room) 

Equally important information is what needs to be done - what should be applied (Apply)

  • To be cleaned - the room is dirty, but free (eg after late departure)
  • Arrival - the arrival of the reservation is planned in the room
  • Stayover - a reservation is already accommodated in the room
  • Departure - the reservation leaves the room today
  • Refresh - the room has been empty for a longer time, it shoudl be checked there may be needed some action like wipe the dust etc.