
Detailed availability, Groups
What availability are you sending to ChannelManagerSystem? What is you occupancy right now? Check out Detailed availability overview. Detailed availabi...
St, 25 Březen, 2020 v 10:39 DOPOLEDNE
End of day, night audit
Night audit in the HotelTime application runs automatically at an agreed time of the day.  This time is usually anywhere between 12 am or 5 am of the local...
St, 25 Březen, 2020 v 10:35 DOPOLEDNE
Rounding (payments)
Is the small change of your currency, such as cents or pennies, not physically in circulation anymore but it is still used for card payments or you simply d...
St, 25 Březen, 2020 v 10:27 DOPOLEDNE
Post masters, Pay masters
What is a Post master /PayMaster? Post master is an account can be created for a company or an individual profile. It is not connected to Reservation or Ro...
St, 25 Březen, 2020 v 10:26 DOPOLEDNE
To inspect departing rooms for a specific date, use Front desk --> Departures. Do you want to check-out room, please continue here. Report dis...
St, 25 Březen, 2020 v 10:24 DOPOLEDNE
Arrivals, guest arrivals
Focus on guest experiences! Use Guest arrivals report to know, what preferences your guest had during the last stay. The system offers you a few ways t...
St, 25 Březen, 2020 v 10:20 DOPOLEDNE
Room assignment
There are 2 ways to assign room to reservation: assign room from reservation detail / room detail assigns rooms for a specific day in bulk, we recommend...
Út, 10 Březen, 2020 v 9:07 DOPOLEDNE