End of the year 2021

Valued customers,

the end of the year is almost here. We bring you, as usual, some interesting information.

What do you need to proceed with at the end of the year?

The system doesn't require any user action except cash transfer from the old cashier to the new one. Are you above changing invoice numbering format? Then it is the right time now.

How to transfer cash to a new cashier - watch the video here https://youtu.be/6pCpsVj04Zs

We have great news

I'm sure you heard about online payments in HotelTime. It is a great feature to speed up workflow at the Front desk. Not only that, we can advise you on how to set up automatic online payments to be maximally effective and successful with the transactions.

I want to learn more - register for free here http://eepurl.com/gdgRlP

We have launched automatic emails that follow automatic online payments - PrePayment and PostPayment emails. PrePayment email contains transaction details to announce transactions in advance. After processing guest will receive confirmation.  We have changed refunds. From now there is a transaction limit that creates your actual balance. 

I want PrePayment and PostPayment emails in my HotelTime - submit the ticket.

What is on schedule for 2022?

Next to the fantastic features and innovations, we build new customer programs. Don't forget HotelTime Academy starts on 1Q 2022. Academy, as usual, brings webinars for beginners and advanced.

Join in Customer success programs free of charge and squeeze from the system maximum for your business - http://eepurl.com/gdgRlP

And the customer support team wants to tell you something -  https://youtu.be/Ow_e1DMwelc

We wish you happy holiday times.

With warm regards,

Martina Durtova

Head of Customer support at HotelTime Solutions

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