4.5.5 HotelTime new version


This week we will release few new features in HotelTime new version 4.5.5.

Housekeeping and maintenance requirements

Repairs in the rooms are now visible in the Room plan. At the same time, the maintenance blocks the guest's check-in and any update of the reservation, which cannot cover ongoing maintenance in the room, except for authorized users with the a special user rights.

Not using the Housekeeping app or Maintenance yet? Find out more by your sales representative or send an inquiry by email to [email protected]

We extended reports as Arrivals with a new filter "Reservation source" and "Agent". Are there any special room requirments agreed with Agent? You can apply them filtering agent in Room assignment. Search for reservation source and analyze your revenue. 

We have a tip for you: Start tracking booking sources. Set the default source values for each RateCode and specify the source as mandatory by creating reservation.

In the E-Concierge module we add new dynamic fields. It is now possible to automatically generate the room name. If you missed this information somewhere, drop us an email to add it to your templates.

Early check-in and late check-out

You have set check-in and check-out times in the system settings and you wonder if the time was exceeded for the particular reservation? We extended the history of booking operations by highlighting the exceeding of these times.

The ID reader fills from now on in the guest's nationality.

We are extending the data sending API with IDNationality from the reservation header. 


Unassign room is now again possible from the reservation detail.

Restoring reservations in a particular combination of user operations did not work properly. It is fixed.

We also fix the Sums without VAT and Total VAT in the document books.

We wish you a successful May!

Customer Success team HOTELTIME SOLUTIONS

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